Muhajir nation should support Baloch pro-freedom parties, requests MQM leader Altaf Hussain in newly released press statement
Renowned Muhajir leader and founder of MQM on Monday announced that its organisation will observe black day on 27th March in solidarity with Baloch pro-freedom organisations.
Most pro-freedom Baloch organisations observe 27th March as black day to commemorate the day in 1948, when Balochistan was ‘forcibly annexed’ with Pakistan.
‘Pakistan occupied Balochistan on this day and has ever since been exploiting and plundering its resources including Gas, Gold and other precious resources,’ read the press release issued by MQM’s international secretariat in London.
‘Altaf Hussain was and will continue to be a voice against injustice and exploitation perpetrated against people of Balochistan by Paksitani state,’ the press release stated.
Altaf Hussain requested Muhajir nation to observe 27th March as black day and where possible hold demonstrations against the ‘cruel occupation’ of Balochistan.
It is pertinent to mention that MQM’s faction led by Altaf Hussain, had recently called for ‘self-determination for Muhajir people’, claiming the community has continuously suffered at hands of Pakistani state for decades.