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Gwadar has been turned into a prison for locals under the pretense of improved security measures, our correspondent Umar Kalmati from Gwadar reports. Chinese funded multi-billion dollar project China Pakistani Economic Corridor (CPEC) was sold as the ticket to a...
From a Varsity to a Military Cantonment The Balochistan Post Report Author: Behzad Deedag Balochistan is a war-zone and poverty hit region, where the literacy rate stands at alarming 26 % with 2.3 million children out of schools. The remaining children...
Author: Zaarain Baloch In a surprising turn of events, Pakistan's National Assembly has given the green signal to a bill proposing the establishment of Pak-China Gwadar University in Lahore, Punjab's capital city. The move...
Authors: Asif Baloch | Zamuran Baloch An elderly man, holding a cane, expresses his enthusiasm amidst a sea of people, while a mother, cradling her newborn baby in her arms, joins the public protest....
Author: Zaarain Baloch The Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) claimed in a media statement that the Pakistani forces had carried out a "search and rescue" operation in the Ziarat and Harnai region to save an...
Strings of suicide bombing in Sindh's Shikarpur city and firing incident on BSO azad's rally in Khuzdar got connected when a suicide bomber Usman brohi was arrested before he could detonate his suicide vest in a Shia Muslim mosque...
Author: Fareed Baloch In the wake of increased tensions between Iran and Pakistan, the skies of Balochistan became the backdrop for a concerning series of airstrikes. While the official narratives from Islamabad and...
"Baloch militant groups are now using children to explode their bombs," a chuffed Quetta City Police Chief Mir Zubair Mehmood told a hurriedly called press conference on 13 March 2013. He seemed very proud at this new 'discovery'. The police...
The Balochistan Post has obtained an exclusive footage of Noshki military operation that killed two and destroyed many houses in a small village. Pakistani forces carried out the operation over a span of two days on 18 and 19 August...
Balochistan, a region scarred by the ongoing crisis of enforced disappearances, continues to grapple with this harrowing reality that has tormented its inhabitants for over two decades. Baloch nationalists, activists, and human rights organizations have consistently accused...