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Saira Baloch’s Quest for Reunion and Hope

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Saif Baloch

In today’s world, relationships sometimes don’t last or remain strong. However, when it comes to siblings, their bond can be incredibly powerful, showcasing their caring and loving nature toward each other. This article narrates a poignant story about a courageous girl named Saira Baloch, who is on a quest to reunite with her brother, missing since August 31, 2018, in her pursuit to ensure his safety and well-being. Her heartfelt desire is to converse with him once more. This article serves as a heartfelt letter, expressing her emotions, recounting their shared moments, and emphasizing how much she longs for her brother to be with her once more.

Saira Baloch and her family left their village near Khuzdar city in search of a better life and education opportunities because their hometown lacked basic facilities and a good school. Her brother, Muhammad Asif, worked hard to support the family and ensure his sisters received a good education, as many brothers do. Everything was going fine until a major event turned their lives upside down. One day, Saira woke up as usual and started using her phone, but then she received shocking news. Asif, along with their cousin Rasheed and some others, had enforced disappeared from Noshkey. This unexpected and distressing event completely changed their lives, casting a cloud of sadness over them.

Saira and her family initiated a frantic search to find Asif and Rasheed. They scoured every possible avenue and sought help from influential people, but their efforts yielded no answers. According to Saira, Asif and Rasheed had gone to Noshkey to find homeopathic medicine for their sick sisters. This innocent journey ended up causing a massive disruption in their lives.

Saira was a top student in her class, and her family had a decent amount of money. When Saira Baloch excelled in school, her brother Asif promised to pay for her advanced studies in Quetta city after she finished her basic education. The prospect of studying in Quetta filled her with joy and anticipation. Sadly, those hopes never materialized.

Saira Baloch’s first visit to Quetta was not for academics but for a protest, advocating for the safe return of her missing brother. It was a painful and unfamiliar experience for her, as she was not accustomed to such social situations. But now, things have changed. She finds herself traveling alone to various cities like Quetta, Karachi, and Islamabad in her relentless pursuit to secure her brother’s safe return.

Over the past five years, Saira has faced numerous social problems and challenges. Living without her brother during this time has been an indescribable struggle. She endured people’s taunts and labels, experiencing dishonor and disrespect. Despite these difficulties, she has displayed remarkable strength and resilience while the world around her has grown increasingly complex.

On the day Asif was abducted, the government also evicted his family from the housing provided to them during his employment. This worsened their already challenging circumstances, leading their relatives to distance themselves from them. Now, they face various forms of ostracism and are unjustly labeled as “terrorists.” Regrettably, Saira Baloch’s extended family offers no support during these trying times.

Family circumstances had improved significantly when Asif found employment, but his abduction took a devastating toll, causing even greater hardship. The family now relies solely on Saira’s father’s salary to meet their basic needs. Their lives have become exceedingly challenging, and due to Asif’s abduction, their education has been disrupted, forcing them to leave school.

Asif was particularly dear to his mother, and his current suffering has taken a severe toll on her mental well-being. She is currently seeking psychological support to cope with the memories and distress caused by Asif’s situation.

Saira and her older brother were inseparable companions, setting a heartwarming example of love and protection. Their unshakeable trust in each other was a constant source of inspiration. Her brother held the roles of a friend, a protector, and the key to Saira’s happiness. However, since her brother’s sudden disappearance, her ability to smile and find joy vanished. Life turned into a challenge for her, becoming a source of distress. Over the past five years, she has experienced a gradual decline and longs to cherish her brother’s memories. The pain she endures is immeasurable and unimaginable.

The sudden news of her brother being forcibly taken away shattered Saira’s heart. His absence not only robbed her of support but also left her deeply sad. Without his comforting presence, she feels uncertain and worried, highlighting the profound impact such disappearances have on those who care about the missing person. It is especially painful for a sister to be unaware of her brother’s whereabouts. Saira is emotionally devastated.

Saira’s journey is not just her own; it highlights a larger issue in society. She is not the only one facing this problem in Balochistan; many sisters like her are enduring similar experiences. When people are forcibly disappeared without reason, it violates their rights and can bring immense sadness to families and communities. Saira’s determination to find her brother serves as a beacon of hope, inspiring others who have faced similar situations to seek justice and answers. She understands that speaking up for loved ones is more effective than staying home and feeling miserable.

Living without Asif is a constant struggle for Saira and her family, and the uncertainty of his return weighs heavily on their hearts. They continue to wait and hope for his safe return from the darkness that holds him.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Balochistan Post or any of its editors.

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