28 May: The Day Pakistan Lost Balochistan Nadir Baloch The Balochistan Post Nuclear tests killed The Ras Koh but opened a window to the world to see Balochistan. This killing of Baloch Land with nuclear bombs brought consideration to Balochistan and...
The elimination of women from the ranks and the subjects of science requires us to look for a radical alternative. We firstly need to know how to win within the ideological arena and to create a libertarian, natural mind-set against...
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD While accepting billions of American dollars in military and economic aid, Pakistan has been slowly bleeding the U.S. to death in Afghanistan through its support of the Taliban, Haqqani Network and other terrorist groups. It is Pakistan's...
"We are in a cantonment" Gazain Baloch Dust covered my eyes and everything went black. My injured elbow was extremely painful, I could feel that I was leaning against a wall, fizzy face was melting, feelings of fear made me half...
In beginning of time, when humans lived in caves under groups, there was only concept of common property, with everybody having the same right to it. With the passage of time these groups transformed into tribes. This resulted into...
The historical aspect of chokandi graves.   Kambar Baloch   The renowned historical graves of Chokundi located at Suni Shoraan, Hub Choki, Lasbela, Malir Balochistan. Some of the graves by Chokundi are spotted in few areas of Sindh such as Karachi, Haiderabad, Meer...
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD The U.S. has largely viewed Islamic terrorism as a monolithic threat with varying degrees of extremism distributed among various geographic locations. We have often not adequately appreciated the historical, ideological and geopolitical subtleties underlying Islamic terrorism and,...

Eid after Independence

Written By: Shakoor Baloch Baloch have been kept forced slaves since their motherland Balochistan was occupied by foreign Armies. In 1947 when Balochistan got independence and it stayed independent for nine months, Pakistan’s founding father, Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted Khan...
My ideal Sangat Zahid Baloch Author: Shohaz Baloch A man becomes a legend when his thoughts, ideas, and actions inspire people to do more, think more, learn more, dream more and make a way for future. As like our legend Zahid...
The journey's what brings us happiness, not the destination  Shaari Baloch Since childhood, we have been learning that a new day will come with a new strength and thought. But I wonder, sometimes at the concerns that is that true all the...