
Gwadar: Fishermen Protest After Alleged Coast Guard Violence

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Fishermen and residents in Gwadar staged a protest sit-in following an incident of alleged violence by the Pakistani Coast Guards against local fishermen.

Two fishermen were reportedly severely injured after an altercation with the Pakistani Coast Guards while fishing at sea. In response, a significant number of locals blocked the expressway, halting all traffic.

Protesters claim the Coast Guard unjustifiably uses violence to prevent them from accessing the sea, an act they describe as intolerable. The residents of Gwadar condemned the incident and expressed solidarity with the injured fishermen.

During the protest, the wife of one of the injured fishermen locked the gate of Gwadar GT in a symbolic act of defiance.

Speaking to the media, she accused the Coast Guards of harassing her husband and relatives without justification, leading to severe violence. She added that her husband, who was already ill, had to be transferred to the hospital following the incident.

The protesters demanded immediate action against those responsible. They have vowed to continue their sit-in, keeping the road closed, until their demands are met.

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