Pentagon has confirmed that a US general was also shot and wounded in Kandahar attack that killed General Raziq and Abdul Momin.
US Army General Jeffery Smiley was injured in the insider attack, US Army spokesperson confirmed. General Smiley oversees the NATO military advisory mission in southern Afghanistan.
The Washington Post reported earlier that Smiley was recovering after suffering at least one gunshot wound while inside the Kandahar governor’s compound.
The top U.S. military commander in the country, Gen. Scott Miller, was also present at the time of the incident.
On Friday, Miller told the Tolo News Agency that he believes that “what happened in Kandahar was an attack on the security forces.”
“My assessment is that I was not the target,” Miller said. “It was a very close confined space. But I don’t assess that I was the target.”
The attack killed Gen. Abdul Raziq, the well-known police chief in Kandahar, and Gen. Abdul Momin, the top intelligence official in the province. Kandahar’s governor Zalmai Wessa was wounded along with three others, including an American service member and an American civilian employee.