
The Fencing of Gwadar City – TBP Editorial

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Residents of Gwadar, the port city known as the crown of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, are experiencing fear and anxiety as Pakistan authorities have decided to erect a fence around the city on the request of the Chinese government to protect it from attacks by Baloch armed organizations. The fencing initiative, initiated three years ago, faced strong public backlash, resulting in its suspension. However, the process has recently resumed.

The erection of the fence will enclose Gwadar city, isolating the remaining three tehsils of the district – Pasni, Gevini, Ormara, and surrounding areas such as Sarbandan, Puleri, and Chib Kalamati – making access to the city challenging and requiring stringent security measures.

Already grappling with issues such as flooding and fishermen’s protests, exacerbated by the government’s failure to address rainwater drainage, the citizens of Gwadar are experiencing increased security measures leading to protests against the perceived loss of dignity and autonomy.

With a history of resistance against exploitative projects in Balochistan spanning two decades, fencing Gwadar city to safeguard China’s interests may fuel further resistance among the Baloch people.

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