
BLF Targets Pakistani Mineral Transport Vehicles in Mastung

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The Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), a pro-independence group advocating for Balochistan’s autonomy, has claimed responsibility for an attack targeting mineral transport vehicles in the Mastung area of Balochistan.

According to Major Gohram Baloch, the group’s spokesperson, BLF fighters intercepted six trucks carrying minerals in Kadkoocha, Mastung. They deliberately deflated the tires of these vehicles, issuing a warning to the drivers and staff before letting them go.

The BLF said it makes it clear to all the parties involved that no one will be allowed to plunder and exploit Balochistan’s natural and mineral resoruces. The group said that any Baloch individuals or Baloch-owned companies found facilitating this ‘loot’ of Baloch resoruces will pay a heavy price.

Furthermore, the BLF directed its message to the owners and drivers of transport companies, urging them to refrain from participating in resource exploitation. Failure to comply, it asserted, will result in both material losses and potential harm to life.

The BLF reiterated it’s commitment to struggle until the last breath for the independence of Balochistan. It said that the Pakistani state, security forces, and local facilitators are squarely in its sights, as the struggle for Balochistan’s complete autonomy continues.

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