In an unsettling continuation of a series of incidents in Balochistan, another person has reportedly gone missing in the district of Kech, adding to the escalating number of enforced disappearances in the region.
According to local sources, Mistree Sabir, son of Omeed, was reportedly taken into custody by Pakistani security forces during a raid conducted in the Hoshap Thal area on the night of 1st September. Since his detention, there has been no communication or information on his whereabouts.
The family of the missing individual has expressed concerns, stating they have received no official explanation regarding the reasons behind Sabir’s arrest or his subsequent disappearance.
This incident adds to the growing concerns over an apparent surge in enforced disappearances reported throughout Balochistan. Notably, the month of August witnessed a significant increase in such cases, with as many as 83 individuals reported missing under mysterious circumstances. This escalating trend has drawn sharp criticism from various quarters, with calls for urgent interventions to address and curb this troubling development.