Voice for Baloch Missing Persons protest camp for the safe release of missing persons has completed 4346 days. Political activists visited the camp to show solidarity, whereas, more families of the victims of the ‘enforced disappearances’ have also joined the camp to record their protest.
Mama Qadeer Baloch, leader of the VBMP, talking to visitors at the camp said that “genocide of Baloch nation is taking place in every corner of Balochistan.”
He said, “the corpses of the Baloch dissidents are being thrown into the wilderness, and the tyrant continues its brutalities, with the wrong perception that the oppressed nation will give up on their struggle after receiving the bodies of their youngsters.”
He further said that “Baloch nation has chosen the path of peaceful struggle for the safe release of their loved ones despite facing hardships. Baloch have continued their struggle instead of silently enduring oppression.”
“The peaceful struggle of Baloch mothers and sisters continues even after receiving mutilated dead bodies of their missing loved ones,” he added.