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Rights organisations’ appeal, BRA releases 6 ‘facilitators of Pakistan Army’

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Baloch armed group has released six “facilitators of Pakistan army,” on the appeal of human rights organizations.

According to details, a ‘pro-independence organization’ from Balochistan, Baloch Republican Army (BRA) has announced the release of six workers from Punjab, abducted by the group from Awaran district of Balochistan two days earlier.

The official twitter account of the BRA spokesperson Beebagr Baloch, released the news that “Six facilitators of Pakistani Army from Punjab in the custody of our organization have been released tonight on the condition of not doing further facilitation. On the appeal of human rights organizations.”

After the news broke on Wednesday that the workers are under custody of the armed group, several Human Rights Organisations appealed to the group to release the workers on humanitarian basis.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) appealed on twitter saying; “The HRCP urges to the BRA to release the detained workers in Awaran. Their dignity and broader principles of human rights should be respected and not used as a covenant.”

Whereas, the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), another rights group striving for the rights and safe recovery of the victims of enforced disappearance from Balochistan, also appealed to the armed group to release the abducted workers on humanitarian grounds.

Similarly, the Human Rights Council of Balochistan also appealed for the release of abductees.

On Wednesday the BRA spokesperson stated on twitter saying; “Their lives will be decided under all human and international laws. We want to make it clear to human rights organizations that our war policy is completely different from occupier.”

The aforementioned six persons were abducted by armed men from Madag Kalat, Kolowah area of ​​Awaran, while they were passing through the area in trucks, where they were allegedly going to deliver supplies to the Pakistani Army. However, the government authorities claimed the abductees are ordinary labourers.

In a latest released statement tonight, the spokesperson of the BRA said “We want to ask human rights organizations to carry out their duties and address human rights violations in Balochistan on a daily basis. The Pakistani army and intelligence agencies are engaged in genocide of the Baloch nation by forming death squads, while the laws of war are also being violated. Human rights organizations should show impartiality in these circumstances, he said.

Beebagr Baloch strongly warned the transporters not to use their vehicles to supply the forces or they would be responsible for their losses.


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