Students of a middle school are forced to study under open sky as school lacks adequate rooms
According to TBP news desk, in Nokundi, an important city of Balochistan’s largest district Chaghi, students lack basic facilities and are forced to study under the open sky.
The middle-school is situated in Hassan Abad area of Nokundi city, the school was upgraded to a middle-school in 2014 but the upgrade was limited, as no extra classrooms were provided to the newly admitted students.
Locals told media the children were seen to be studying in a nearby mosque in summers and under the open sky during harsh winters. The school has no boundary wall, they have also complained to the District Education Officer but situations seem to get only worse for the students.
The school staff includes only three teachers, two junior teachers and one senior. Whereas, the students studying at the school are 400.
Teachers told media, they have only 3 rooms, that too without any facilities. Lack of staff has also made it hard for them to control the students.
Literacy rate in Balochistan stands at an alarming 26 % with 2.3 million children out of schools. 5000 schools in Balochistan are based on ‘one room, one teacher’ structure. 2000 schools lack that one room, where students read and learn under the open sky.