Cancer took another youngster’s life in Balochistan’s Chaghi district raising serious concerns over the aftermaths of 1998’s nuclear tests.
According to the Balochistan post correspondent, 14-year-old Zubair Ahmed S/O Nazeer Ahmed, a resident of Chither area of Chaghi district passed away due to cancer on Monday.
Zubair Baloch lost his life after remaining under treatment for several months.
Other diseases are also widespread in Chaghi district.
According to the reports of BMC (Bolan Medical College), during the period of 4 months, 540 appendix patients from Chaghi have been operated, while the data from private hospitals is in addition to the above figures as a large number of patients also go to private hospitals.
Talking with the Balochistan Post, Abdul Aziz Sanjrani, a local of Chaghi district, said that in addition to other diseases night-blindness is also affecting the people, as people complain about losing their vision after the sunset.
In an answer to the question whether the conditions of post-nuclear-tests are the same or different, a resident, Haji Mohammad Hashim told TBP that before the nuclear tests, they could work in their fields for about 10 hours, and never felt exhausted but now only an hour’s work drains all the energy and they feel severe pain in the body afterwards.
According to Abdul Ghani, a resident of Dalbandin, headquarter of Chaghi district, Thalassemia, a blood disease, is rapidly spreading among the new generations, even among the well-nourished children.
Residents of Chaghi district demanded authorities to take notice of deteriorating health conditions in Chaghi and also invited the local and international NGOs to take necessary measurements regarding the nuclear radiation-related diseases in Chaghi.