In Balochistan, a human rights crisis of alarming proportions has been unfolding for over two decades. This crisis, marked by the enforced disappearances of a diverse range of individuals – including political activists, students, journalists, intellectuals, and...
Balochistan, a region plagued by the haunting spectre of enforced disappearances, continues to grapple with this harrowing reality that has persisted for the past two decades. Allegations directed towards Pakistani intelligence agencies and security forces, coming from...
Author: Miran Mazar (Chief Editor The Balochistan Post)
Sajid Hussain was well known in the Baloch society since he began his journalistic career, particularly to anyone who followed the politics of Balochistan.
In 2023, Balochistan was the scene of nearly a thousand road accidents. These incidents resulted in the tragic loss of hundreds of lives, injuries to thousands, and the devastation of numerous families. The narrative of Balochistan’s perilous...
13 November — The Baloch Martyrs’ Day
TBP Report!
The year was 1801 when Shah Shujah Durrani, the ruler of the Durrani dynasty, declared himself to be the King of Afghanistan...
Will dialogue take place between Pakistan and Baloch insurgents? — TBP Report
Author: Zaarain Baloch
“Only the Baloch sarmachars will decide if they want to hold dialogue or not, not the...
At 1:00 AM on January 27th, 2022, someone knocked on the door and Rashida Baloch answered it, expecting to see her husband on the other side. But what she saw was not her husband, it was the...
Enforced disappearances continue unabated in Balochistan for the past two decades. Baloch nationalists, activists, and human rights groups have accused Pakistani intelligence agencies and security forces of being involved in these enforced disappearances and extra-judicial killings of...
Tadanch - Where the drinking water kills
The Balochistan Post Report
Behzad Deedag Baloch
It was beyond comprehensible turn of events for inhabitants of Tadanch, when, according to some reports, nearly 20 people died and more than 150 others reached the brink...
Author: Shahdad Shambezai (TBP Staff member)
Zamuran is a sub-tehsil of district Kech in Makuran, Balochistan. It is located in north west of Kech and to the south of the bordering town of western...