The Peshawar police have arrested the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement Balochistan leaders in Peshawar on Saturday. The leaders had reportedly travelled to Peshawar to participate in a PTM rally but were detained at the site of the gathering.
According to the details, Mullah Bahram, Zubair Shah Agha, Mushtaq Zahir Noorzai and several other leaders of the Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement were arrested in Peshawar. Other PTM leaders have vociferously condemned the arrest, calling it out a “shameful” act. The Peshawar police have not yet provided any details on the arrest.
The PTM leaders said in a statement that the state institutions are attempting to thwart the gathering from convening, and Saturday’s arrest is a step in that direction.
PTM leader Mohsin Dawar said that if they are not allowed to hold the gathering at the designated ground, they will relocate it in front of the house of the Corps Commander of Peshawar.
It is pertinent to mention that the Pashtun Tahhafuz Movement has been repeatedly thwarted from conducting activities in Balochistan where it boasts a significant audience. Moshin Dawar, Manzoor Pashteen, Sana Ejaz and other prominent leaders of the PTM were banned from entering Balochistan for months.
Dawar was also barred from participating in the Pakistan Democratic Movement rally in Quetta and was forced to board a plane back home.