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Use of Force Against ‘Baloch National Gathering’ Was Right, Says Pakistani Minister

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The Chief Minister of Balochistan, Sarfaraz Bugti, has defended the use of force against the Baloch Yakjehti Committee’s (BYC) sit-in protest in Gwadar, calling it a necessary measure to counter a conspiracy aimed at disrupting an international delegation’s visit.

In interviews with Pakistani media, Mr. Bugti asserted that the protest was intended to obstruct the visit of an international delegation for the inauguration of Gwadar Airport. He assured that the government would proceed with the airport inauguration and welcome the delegation as planned. He emphasized that no group would be allowed to disrupt state events or hinder development projects in Gwadar.

“The BYC’s rally was intended to obstruct the delegation’s visit,” Mr. Bugti said. “We were aware that 20,000 to 30,000 people would gather to stop all projects. Our doors are open for negotiation, but we cannot allow groups to dictate terms in Balochistan.”

The provincial government has repeatedly accused the BYC of attempting to disrupt the visit of a Chinese delegation to inaugurate Gwadar Airport. However, the BYC denies these claims, stating their protest was to highlight issues in Gwadar and Balochistan.

BYC leaders maintain that the event was intended as a one-day protest but escalated due to the government’s use of force against participants of the ‘Baloch National Gathering.’ They argue that this response led to citywide disruptions.

Opposition parties in Balochistan have also criticized Mr. Bugti and his administration, accusing them of deliberately exacerbating tensions.

The BYC has stated that the sit-in will end once their demands are met, including the release of detained members and the reopening of roads. They insist the protest will continue until all conditions are fulfilled.


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