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Pakistani Forces ‘Forcibly Disappeared’ a Youth from Kharan

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Pakistani forces have allegedly detained a youth from the Kharan district of Balochistan and subsequently moved him to an undisclosed location.

According to reports, the paramilitary Frontier Corps, along with the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) personnel, raided a house in the Kharan district on the intervening night of Tuesday and Wednesday, allegedly forcibly disappearing a Baloch youth.

The missing youth has been identified as Akhtar Planzai, son of Amanullah. However, district administrators or military officials have not yet confirmed or denied the incident.

In another but similar development, Pakistani military forces allegedly opened fire on peaceful protesters on N-25 Karachi-to-Quetta highway near Mastung.

According to reports, landowners protested against prolonged electricity load shedding by blocking the highway near Khadkocha tehsil of Mastung. Due to the protest, traffic flow on the Quetta-Karachi highway was suspended.

The protestors allegedly faced a baton charge and gunfire at the hands of Pakistani forces. No human losses were immediately reported in the firing, while the protestors alleged that the forces forcibly disappeared a youth at gunpoint during the incident. However, the identity of the aforementioned youth has not been ascertained yet.

According to PAANK, the human rights department of the Baloch National Movement (BNM), enforced disappearances are occurring daily, with an average of three people being abducted by Pakistani forces from different parts of Balochistan every day.

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