An online campaign was launched by the ‘Baloch Voice for Justice’ on the social media platform ‘X’ demanding the safe recovery of Mumtaz Baloch. Hailing from Khuzdar, Mumtaz Baloch reportedly went missing about a year ago. The campaign saw participation from a diverse range of people, including politicians, journalists, and human rights activists.
Former Senator Farhatullah Babar, a central figure of the PPP, expressed deep concern over the rise of alleged growing trend of forced disappearances in the region, He remarked, “Thousands have gone missing, and not one perpetrator has faced justice.” Mr. Babar further criticized the Chief Minister of Balochistan for drawing comparisons between these disappearances and situations in Indian Kashmir.
Academic Nida Kirmani drew attention to the disappearance on X, emphasizing that Mumtaz Baloch reportedly went missing on September 6, 2022. She encouraged the public to join the call for his immediate and safe return.
Journalist Vengus questioned how, despite daily queries from families about their missing loved ones, the Prime Minister could deny the statistics of enforced disappearances in the region.
Afrasiab Khattak, former Senator and Pashtun nationalist leader, described Mumtaz Baloch’s repeated disappearances without court appearances as emblematic of a broader problem, suggesting a potential disregard for judiciary processes by security agencies.
Shafiq Ahmed, an advocate, highlighted that this marked the third occasion Mumtaz Baloch has reportedly been abducted, contrasting this with claims by the Army Chief about prioritizing citizen safety.
Journalist Mehwish Qamaas Khan voiced her concern, noting the recurring patterns of missing person reports.”Another day, another trend. Still no trace of the missing individuals. Living without loved ones is genuinely challenging,” she said, hoping for justice for the affected families.
Sorath Latif, Convener of the Voice for Missing Persons of Sindh, emphasized that this was the third time Mumtaz Baloch has reportedly been forcibly taken from the Khuzdar region. Sorath appealed to international human rights organizations to take notice.
Khan Zaman Kakar of ANP underlined Mumtaz Baloch’s multiple reported disappearances, suggesting such events strain the relationship between Balochistan’s residents and the state.
Sammi Deen Baloch, general secretary of the Voice for Baloch Missing Persons (VBMP), and daughter of missing Dr. Deen Muhammad, conveyed the anguish faced by families of the disappeared, urging for an end to this suffering.
Latif Baloch, from the Baloch Voice for Justice, emphasized the scale of the disappearance issue in Balochistan, appealing to human rights organizations to intervene.
Amina Masood Janjua, Chairperson of the Defense of Human Rights, among other participants, also demanded the immediate and safe recovery of Mumtaz Baloch.