In a poignant video message released on social media, Mohammad Nawaz, a resident of Bakhtiarabad town in district Nasirabad, and his wife say that their young daughter Lummi was “abducted” by influential people of the town. They expressed concern for her life, and demanded justice from, among others, the chief justice of Pakistan.
In the video message, Nawaz alleges that his daughter was forcibly disappeared by some individuals a few days ago. He says that the perpetrators have the backing of the son of a local chieftain. He said that we don’t know where she is, and how she is doing.
Nawaz further says that the culprits, led by Ikhtiyar s/o Qadir Baksh Wazirani, forcibly disappeared his young daughter. They said that because the perpetrators have an influential backing, the police is also loath to arrest them. They expressed concern for her life, fearing that the abductors might murder her.
They demanded justice from the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Pakistan, Chief Justice of Balochistan High Court, IG Balochistan, DIG and SSP of Nasirabad and the law enforcement agencies.
The district authorities have not yet commented on the incident.