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A Country on Suicidal Path – Kashif Baloch

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Author: Kashif Baloch

The most unfortunate and heart-wrenching news of exiled Baloch journalist Sajid Hussain’s death in Sweden has shocked the entire peaceful, progressive and enlightened world. This has come at a time when the human civilization is already combating with one of the worst and deadliest pandemics that has ever hit the human civilization. The brutal murder of Sajid Hussain reminds me a sentence of British scholar and author, Christina Lamb that she wrote in her Book “Waiting For Allah” in following words “Pakistan certainly seems to be destroying its future”. The wrong path chosen, since very beginning, has resulted in the assassination of first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan, execution of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, murder of Nawab Akbar Khan Bugti, Benazir Bhutto, Balach Marri, Ghulam Muhammad Baloch, Habib Jalib, Bashir Qureshi, Sabeen Mehmood, Mishaal Khan and now Sajid’s recovery of dead body in Uppsala. In addition, the killings of thousands of educated and political leaders and activists are explicit depictions of destroying its own real gems, which the forces of darkness will never realize until the history of fall of fascism repeats itself in this region.

There are innumerable examples in the history of International politics when few charismatic leaders and statesmen started from scratch and built tremendous nations on earth. There are historical examples that how Ashoka, Caesar Divi Filus Augustus, George Washington, Mustafa Kamal Ataturk, Lenin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro, Lee Kuan year, Nelson Mandela and many other statesmen built strong nations on earth from ashes of imperialism. In this respect, Mr. Sellapan Ramanathan, famously known as S.R. Nathan, the former President of Singapore once said that your country has to be a great opportunity or a serious problem if you are to get attention. On this touchstone, Pakistan in 73 years’ history proved to be a serious problem than an opportunity to get attention on world political panorama after emerging an independent multi-ethnic State on the world map in 1947. In order to understand any nation state’s present woes, it is imperative first to look at the historic background in which it emerged.

The darkest history of British India begins from the 1857 rebellion, which left such a profound impact upon Subcontinent that still hunts the masses living in the region. The 1857’s mutiny against East India Company and British rule, which was fought by both Hindus and Muslims with great unity, sent tremors in the spinal cord of Brirish imperialism. Following the mutiny,  the British crown abolished the East India company’s rule and India was taken in direct control of British crown and henceforth, every effort was made by British Imperialism not to allow both religious communities to come together again for liberty of their homeland on which they had been living for centuries with love, peace and communal Harmony. Consequent upon war of Indian independence, the British Raj adopted the policy of divide and rule that ultimately resulted into partition of India on the basis of religion. The devastation caused by Second World war and subsequent economic hardships left no other option for British imperialism than to quit India immediately. Therefore, the British imperialism tried to create a world order that supported its and other capitalist victorious powers’ ambitions to rule on the emerging world order. As a part of this policy, they announced 3rd June plan declaring their intention to create two dominions in India on the basis of religion to sow the seeds of discord in subcontinent, so that they may continue indirect rule over their past colonies.

The nascent new country, Pakistan came into existence without any plan to shape its future and having no strong institutions such as a revolutionary party and strong visionary leadership, civil society and clear political and economic ideology to guide shape the future of country. The founding Muslim League was not prepared to give a right direction to the country and build strong democratic institutions. Failure in doing so on the part of founding party and its leadership, the Army strengthened its hold over the nascent country. With passage of time, the Army has made immense encroachments into political, foreign policy, economic and administrative affairs of Pakistan.

The British Indian Army was divided between newly emerging dominions of India and Pakistan on 30th June 1947. The Northern Command of British Indian Army stationed at Rawalpindi became General Headquarters (GHQ). Total 150,000 British Indian Army men made the initial strength of Pakistan Army with Sir General Frank Messervy as its first Commander-in-Chief.

The country from very beginning confronted myriad problems after first Prime Minister and founding leader, Mr.Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated. The first constitution could not have been framed until 1956. However, it was abrogated in just two years and martial law was imposed after ten years of Pakistan’s inception in 1958 by General Ayoub Khan, which lasted for eleven years ensued by another martial law and subsequently, split and dismemberment of the country in just 24 years’ life. The remaining half of the country has been marred by direct or indirect military rule, mock democracy, rise of open but systematic corruption, conspiracy theories, adventurous proxy wars in foreign lands, promoting religious extremism and Jihadist tendencies, collaborating with imperialist wars during Cold War era, acquiring nuclear weapons and stockpiling traditional weapons at the cost of continuous economic woes.

In order to have a justification to hold power, the powerful military establishment formed a narrative in the mind of public that India is an eternal enemy. Thus, the security challenge is the most prominent threat to the country and its citizens. The religious extremist parties were incorporated and patronaged in their favour to further the same narrative. The military establishment needs these parties to hold power and religious parties need military to impose their agenda of Islamising the society. In terms of financial allocations, the defence budget has lion’s share. The total defence budget is Rs.1.15 trillion, which does not include additional Rs.327 billion that is earmarked for pensions of retired soldiers. As compared to formidable defence allocation, the Federal Government spends only a meagre amount of Rs. 13.367 billion for Health sector. The provincial governments also spend an insignificant amount on health sector that plays a key role in economic and human productivity and growth. As rulers are completely unaware that the biggest defence is against sickness, fatal diseases, lawlessness, injustice and poverty that take thousands of lives every year. Almost all western countries have included in their defense policies to protect lives of their citizens from diseases, lawlessness and poverty. Notwithstanding, the state of Pakistan has stuck to its security nature and will continue to be so even after COVID-19 pandemic, which has exposed the narrative of security state.

Pakistan faces most critical economic meltdown. The foreign debt of country rose to all time high level of $106.9 billion. Tax collection system is faulty and obsolete. The FBR has one of the corrupt tax collection mechanisms. The exports of country are shrinking. However, the imports are increasing thus, causing huge current account deficit. The economically weak countries cannot afford to have huge military power and strategic depth like policies to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries. The underlying causes of Soviet and Nazi German’s fall were the same expansionist policies that are being followed by our establishment in present times.

Corruption is an alarming challenge for Pakistan. It is open and systematic. Even judiciary has embroiled into it. According to Transparency International corruption perception index 2019, Pakistan is ranked 120 least corrupt nation out of 180 countries which causes poverty, unemployment and inflation immensely. Rule of law has become an alien concept. Might has become the right. Judiciary, police, civil servants have become tools of exploitation and repression. Healthcare and quality education are only shenanigans of the elite. The overwhelming majority of population are deprived from these basic rights.  Politics is nothing but a game of plunder and loot and playing gimmicks with masses.

Pakistan has turned into a quagmire and inferno for millions of peasants, workers, journalists, human rights and political activists and sincere, competent youth.

Pakistan is a multi-nation state in which more than six major nationalities live but the state and its powerful institutions have no alternative policy to resolve the national question in peaceful and cordial manner. The only solution with ruling clique is to supress national question by resorting to brutal force, which failed in East Pakistan in early 70s, but we do not seem to have learnt any lessons from the Bengal debacle.

Intolerance and religious extremism are being promoted under state patronage thus, it is now posing an existential threat for the country. The life for religious minorities has become very hard. Press freedom has been curtailed. Democracy is a farce and all democratic rights have been snatched from masses. The progress of art, culture, science, education have deteriorated to a large scale. The overall social, cultural, economic and technological advancement of society has virtually ceased and politically every citizen feels a sense of suffocation. You cannot even cry over your pain being inflicted upon you by repressive forces. Fascism has prevailed in our homeland and the sons of soils are not safe even in foreign lands. Amidst the most dismayed times of human civilization in this region, the masterpiece poem of Faiz Ahmed Faiz aptly manifests the true feelings of millions of Pakistani enlightened masses:

“This trembling light, this night bitten dawn.

This is not the Dawn we waited for so long.

This is not the Dawn whose birth was sired.

By so many lives, so much blood.

Generations ago we started our confident march,

Our hopes were young, our goal within reach.

After all there must be some limit

To the confusing constellation of stars.

In the vast forest of the sky

Even the lazy languid waves

Must reach at last their appointed shore

And so we wistfully prayed For a consummate end to our painful search.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Balochistan Post or any of its editors.

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