On November 3, a deadly attack on the Pakistan Army along the coastal highway in Tehsil Pasni, Gwadar district, claimed the lives of fourteen personnel, including a junior commissioned officer. This highway is a vital part...
Enforced disappearances are a distressing daily occurrence in Balochistan, primarily targeting youth, political activists, and students. Concerned Baloch parents have sent their children to educational institutions in Islamabad and Punjab to shield them from this threat....
Sardar Mengal along with Balochistan National Party chief Akhtar Mengal, and Shafiq Mengal's group, have been engaged in a months-long conflict in Wadh Tehsil, Khuzdar. In response, Balochistan National Party Mengal has announced a long march.
Israel-Palestine ConflictTBP Editorial
On October 7, the commander of the al-Qassam Brigades, Mohammad Zaif, announced Operation Storm Al-Aqsa against Israel. This massive attack on military bases has sent shockwaves throughout Israel and the...
Zarina's heart-wrenching words, "My husband has been missing for many years, I don't know if I should consider myself as his wife or a widow," mirror the pain and suffering endured by those waiting desperately for...
A tragic incident unfolded in Mastung on September 29th when a suicide attack targeted the Eid Milad-ul-Nabi procession near Al-Falah Mosque. This horrific event claimed the lives of over fifty individuals and left more than forty...
Mubarak Qazi, the renowned and distinctive poet of the Balochi language, passed away on September 16 in the Turbat district of Balochistan. He was laid to rest in his hometown.
Born on December...
Dera Bugti is counted as one the regions of Balochistan that remains entrenched in poverty and turmoil. A dark chapter was etched into its history when General Pervez Musharraf's authoritarian rule initiated a violent campaign in...
Panjgur, one of the most insurgency-ridden districts in Balochistan, has become a breeding ground for violence and oppression. Death squads operate with impunity, engaging in looting, enforced disappearances, and killings. Numerous young individuals have fallen victim...
The International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances has come and gone, yet, regrettably, the harrowing issue of enforced disappearances in Balochistan persists. On August 28, Noor Khatun, a resident of Sibbi, and her children were...