
Balochistan: Four Bodies Discovered in a Single Day

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Four bodies were recovered from different areas across Balochistan on Saturday, adding to the region’s grim tally of unidentified and unclaimed remains.

In the coastal city of Gwadar, the body of an unidentified individual was brought to the Civil Hospital. Hospital officials reported that the deceased carried no identification documents, leaving their identity unknown.

Similarly, in Bela, police found another unidentified body near Jahoo Cross, close to the Kangi police checkpoint. This body was taken into custody and transported to a local hospital for identification.

In Tump, residents discovered a severely decomposed body with its hands bound and face disfigured. Local sources said that the condition of the body suggests it had been there for two to three months, making identification impossible. The remains were subsequently buried in the local cemetery.

The fourth body was recovered in Dhadar, near the Mashkaf Station area. Police transported the body to the Civil Hospital in Dhadar, where after initial procedures, it was handed over to the Sibbi Shelter for further handling.

Over the past two decades, Balochistan has faced a distressing pattern of discovering mutilated and unrecognizable bodies. These remains are often buried without identification due to the absence of an effective system for managing and identifying them.

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