
Armed Groups Attack Pakistani Forces and CPEC Construction Site

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Two Baloch ‘pro-independence’ armed groups, the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF), have claimed responsibility for separate attacks targeting a Pakistani military post and a construction site associated with the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Balochistan.

BLA spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch said in a statement that BLA fighters targeted the Pakistani military post in Alandur, Buleda, on Saturday night, firing multiple grenades from a grenade launcher.

The explosions reportedly caused both human and material losses to the Pakistani forces. “The Baloch Liberation Army claims responsibility for this attack. Our operations will continue until the achievement of an independent homeland,” said Jeeyand Baloch.

In a separate incident, the Balochistan Liberation Front (BLF) claimed responsibility for an attack on a construction site in Gwadar on May 18. BLF spokesperson Major Gwahram Baloch stated that the attack occurred at 10:30 AM and targeted a road construction project under the CPEC.

“Sarmachars of the Balochistan Liberation Front attacked a project under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which was constructing a road, and set fire to vehicles and other machinery,” said Gwahram Baloch.

Gwahram Baloch explained that the road constructions were not intended for the development of Balochistan but to facilitate the exploitation of its resources. He added that BLF fighters attacked the site of a local contractor involved in Frontier Works Organization (FWO) projects in the Nalent area of Gwadar.

“Local contractors have been repeatedly warned not to support the imperialist exploitative projects of the occupying state. Involvement in such projects is against Baloch national interests and supports the state responsible for Baloch genocide,” he said.

He further noted that these attacks should be seen as warnings, advising local contractors to avoid involvement in state projects to prevent further losses. The BLF spokesperson concluded by asserting that these attacks would continue until the liberation of Balochistan.

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