
BLA’s Kalat Attack: Home Minister Zia Langove Reports Casualties

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Two security checkpoints of Pakistani forces in Kalat’s Iskalko area were attacked by unidentified assailants on Tuesday night. The attackers reportedly seized control of the checkpoints for several hours, confiscating weapons from the stationed security personnel. They also targeted reinforcements and helicopters arriving at the scene.

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) claimed responsibility for the attack. In a media statement, BLA spokesperson Jeeyand Baloch said the group’s fighters used heavy weaponry to ambush and capture the main checkpoint and its outposts.

According to Baloch, the assault began at 10:30 PM, with BLA fighters firing rockets and other heavy weapons at the checkpoints. The BLA’s Fateh Squad engaged in close-range combat, capturing two outposts. The attackers reportedly forced Pakistani soldiers to flee, leaving their weapons behind. Baloch claimed that at least eleven soldiers were killed as BLA fighters pursued them.

Baloch also mentioned that the BLA’s Special Tactical Operations Squad (STOS) played a crucial role in the attack. He stated that the BLA fighters held the camp and outposts for over 12 hours, confiscating heavy weaponry and setting parts of the camp on fire.

The BLA asserted that they also attacked armored vehicles and gunship helicopters sent to assist the besieged soldiers, forcing reinforcements to retreat.

The BLA spokesperson said the Iskalko camp and checkpoints were established to protect projects run by Pakistan Petroleum Limited in Kalat, which the group claims exploit the region’s natural resources. The BLA warned that if these projects are not halted, attacks will intensify.

Balochistan Home Minister Zia Langove confirmed the attack but disputed the casualty figures, stating that only two soldiers were killed. He added that the BLA intended to take 18 security personnel hostage, but this was prevented.

Langove reported that 50 to 60 attackers participated in the Iskalko assault and mentioned a similar attack on security forces in Kalat’s Khaliq Abad. He noted that 20 soldiers were stationed at the attacked outposts and that the government is closely monitoring the situation, with police and levies forces deployed in the area.

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