
Body of Forcibly Disappeared Person Recovered in Turbat

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The lifeless body of a missing person has been discovered from Turbat city of Balochistan on Wednesday.

According to paramilitary levies forces, a body was recovered by levies forces acting on a tip-off near Shadi Corps near Turbat city. Levies confirmed that the body was several days old and had died of thirst.

Levies personnel took the body to teaching hospital Turbat and identified the deceased from the identity card found in his pocket.

Levies officials identified the deceased as Imam Bakhsh alias Ashiq, son of Karim Dad, a resident of Gokdan, on the outskirts of Turbat city

According to the family members, Imam Bakhsh had left home on the second day of Eid-ul-Fitr, after which his location was unknown. The family told TBP correspondent that Imam’s mental state was not stable.

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