
Balochistan: Firing Incidents Kill 4 Including a Woman

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Four people including a woman killed in different firing incidents in various areas of Balochistan.

According to reports, Two people including a woman allegedly killed in a firing incident, in the Ali Rind area of the Dhadar city of district Bolan.

The deceased man has been identified as Mithal Khan while the woman’s name has not been ascertained. The police shifted the dead bodies to the civil hospital Dhadar and called the incident an honor killing.

Meanwhile, Two individuals were reportedly killed in two separate firing incidents in the Dukki district of Balochistan.

In the subdivision Loni area of the district, armed men opened fire and killed a man named Karamatullh son of Molvi Ramzan Shamzai Loni over a dispute.

In another incident in the Killi Mullah Abdullah area of the same district, an armed man opened fire at a youth due to a minor dispute at his shop which resulted in the killing of the boy named Muhammad Zareef son of Samat Ullah Kakarh.

The police started separate investigations into the latter two cases.

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