Large-scale operation suspected as Pakistani forces advance through Bolan

The Pakistani troops were seen advancing through Bolan and its environs in large numbers, thus raising the prospects of a possible military operation. According...

Chief minister’s comments on Baloch ‘missing persons’ provoke families

In an interview with the Geo News’s anchor Saleem Safi, the incumbent Chief Minister of Balochistan Qudooz Bizenjo said that his government is trying to estimate an...

Quetta: Students pause sit-in after assurance from government

The students protesting in the University of Balochistan have paused their sit-in after assurance from the government and the university administration regarding the disappearance of their companions....

PTM holds demonstration in Quetta against ‘state crackdown’ on Pashtuns

The Pashtun Tahaffuz Movement (PTM) held a demonstration in Quetta on Sunday against what they called the “government crackdown” on Pashtun civilians, activists, writers and journalists. The...

Interview with a torture victim and daughter of a missing person regarding CM Balochistan’s...

Video: We spoke to Sammi Baloch, daughter of missing Dr Deen Mohammad Baloch and a torture victim Ehsan Arjumandi about Balochistan's new Chief Minister Qudoos Bizenjo's claims...

13 November – The Baloch Martyrs’ Day

13 November — The Baloch Martyrs’ Day TBP Report! The year was 1801 when Shah Shujah Durrani, the ruler of the...