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Video: We spoke to Sammi Baloch, daughter of missing Dr Deen Mohammad Baloch and a torture victim Ehsan Arjumandi about Balochistan's new Chief Minister Qudoos Bizenjo's claims that many missing persons cases are fake
Students of Balochistan University have been protesting for more than a week now. The protests are against disappearance of two students from the university campus.
Protest rally held in Quetta against enforced disappearance of Shahmeer Zehri and Murtaza Zehri, brother and cousin of student leader Sabiha Baloch.
Sohail Baloch, a young activist, was killed few days ago. In this video we discuss with Abdullah Abbas of Human Rights Council of Balochistan about Sohail's disappearance in 2016 and the possible reasons of his murder.
Protests continued in Balochistan on Monday 18th October, 2021against Hoshaap incident in which two children were killed. Our video report about latest protests.
Baloch diaspora in South Korea protested on call of BNM to mark 27th March as black day. The protestors marched and held a demonstration in the city centre of Busan city on Saturday.
The first ever Sariab Literary Festival kicked off in Quetta on Sunday on the occasion of International Mother Language Day. A large number of students and youth turned up on the first day of the 3-day event.
The protest camp by families of Baloch missing persons in Islamabad is a grim scene of pain and anguish, but it is the 4th day and no government representatives have bothered to visit the camp. TBP's report...
PTM leader Manzoor Pashteen visited the protest camp for Baloch missing persons in Islamabad on 13th February 2021.
A protest rally was held in Göttingen, Germany against alleged murder of Baloch leader Karima Baloch. The protestors demanded Canadian authorities to thoroughly investigate the incident.