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On 3rd February February, individuals donning Pakistan Army uniforms forcibly abducted Rahim Zehri, his wife Rashida Zehri, mother, and two children from Gushkuri Town, Quetta. While Rahim Zehri's mother and children were released after two days,...
United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres left Pakistan on Wednesday after completing a four-day visit to the country. It was his second visit to the country, the first one when he was the UN High Commissioner for...
Missile attacks have unfolded in Eastern and Western Balochistan, as both Pakistan and Iran launched strikes along the Goldsmid Line, claiming to target Jaish-ul-Adl and Balochistan Liberation Front. Despite claims by war enthusiasts of defending sovereignty...
On November 3, a deadly attack on the Pakistan Army along the coastal highway in Tehsil Pasni, Gwadar district, claimed the lives of fourteen personnel, including a junior commissioned officer. This highway is a vital part...
TBP Editorial Balochistan is home to an armed struggle for independence for last two decades, but a dramatic uptick in attacks against Pakistani military has been noticed in last few days. The Pakistani Army suffered heavy losses in these attacks...
The fishermen of Gwadar have been protesting for last two months. They demand stoppage of fish trawling in the sea, which has destroyed the natural habitats and has risked extinction of marine life. The practice has also resulted in...
Gwadar, faces persistent security threats despite being the cornerstone of China's sixty billion dollar economic project, and the hub of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. Recent BLA attacks have targeted various institutions, including foreigner offices, the passport...
In an effort to restore stability in the insurgency-ridden region of Balochistan, the ruling elite in Pakistan has implemented several policies. However, these policies have come under scrutiny for their contribution to undermining political institutions through the use of...
On January 27, twenty-three members of AWP (Awami workers party) and PTM (Pashtun Tahafuz Movement) were arrested in Pakistan's capital—Islamabad. They were protesting against the arrest of PTM chief Manzoor Pashteen. Pakistan's leading newspapers...

Mama Qadeer – TBP Editorial

The life of a 69-year-old bank manager at United Bank’s Hazarganji branch in Quetta changed forever after his son went missing on 13 February 2009. Known then as Qadeer Reki, the old man was looking forward to...