Balochistan is one of the most resource rich regions in central Asia. Numerous minerals and metals, including Antimony, Copper, Gold, Iron, Lead – Zinc, Chromite, Manganese, Fluorite, Gypsum/anhydrite, Baryte, Limestone and Coal among many others, are found in large...
The Dungeons of Islamic State Liaqat Baloch The Balochistan Post This article is about a friend of mine who spent time in torture cells of so-called Pakistani state. He said I am a slave, I am the slave of power and of the...
The Motherland shouldn't be for sale Sadia Baloch The Balochistan Post It has not been a quite uncanny trend when powerful nations have occupied smaller nations. The world has always witnessed such cruelties at the hands of vicious states. But at the...
by Jed Babbin Come hell or Blackwater, nothing is about to change — unless… About a month ago, President Trump met with his national security team — Defense Secretary James Mattis, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and National Security Advisor Lt....
There are many opinions surrounding the Baloch language. Some prefer the more European rhythm of the western Balochi, namely those of Chahbahar and Qasr-e-Qand; others prefer the more rapid flow of Baloch speakers in Quetta.  Yet some show favor...
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD While accepting billions of American dollars in military and economic aid, Pakistan has been slowly bleeding the U.S. to death in Afghanistan through its support of the Taliban, Haqqani Network and other terrorist groups. It is Pakistan's...
After a long time I have finally mustered some courage to write about something which was long due. Being a Baluch journalist, it is extremely hard to report freely from Baluchistan. International media organisations and journalist rights groups think...
28 May: The Day Pakistan Lost Balochistan Nadir Baloch The Balochistan Post Nuclear tests killed The Ras Koh but opened a window to the world to see Balochistan. This killing of Baloch Land with nuclear bombs brought consideration to Balochistan and...
by Lawrence Sellin The Pentagon is spinning its wheels in Afghanistan, continuing a questionable counterinsurgency and nation-building strategy because, quite literally, it knows that it won't work, but cannot think of anything else to do. It will not succeed because the...
"We are in a cantonment" Gazain Baloch Dust covered my eyes and everything went black. My injured elbow was extremely painful, I could feel that I was leaning against a wall, fizzy face was melting, feelings of fear made me half...