Human Rights Violations in Gilgit Baltistan – Sher Nadir Shahi

Human Rights Violations in Gilgit Baltistan (UN declared disputed region)

Written by: Sher Nadir Shahi

On 10th December 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution regarding human rights, known as Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This utmost important resolution has been written with the collaboration of representatives of all countries, legal experts & Human rights experts throughout the world. The aim of this resolution was to ensure and protect human right, and to control human rights violations in the world. Universal declaration of Human Rights also ensures all countries of the world to give equal human, political, educational, economic rights to all citizens. This declaration also ensures that if any citizen of any country stands for his or her rights or protest for rights then the State should give his or her rights instead of sentence them to jail, exile and torture, which is illegal and against human rights. The aim behind this declaration was to build equality and peace around the globe but unluckily Pakistan is part of those countries where Human rights violations are on their peak. In Pakistan, from humans’ personal freedom up to collective freedom and rights do not exist.  From Sindh to Balochistan and Balochistan to Gilgit Balistan.

In Baluchtistan, basic human rights are not ensured and peaceful political activists who demand for the basic rights are in jail. Thousands of people are abducted by state agencies and other thousands of them have been killed by agencies.

Gilgit Bltistan is a region where basic human, democratic, political, and economic rights have not existent for more than seventy years, since the division of the Subcontinent. The occupied forces of Pakistan themselves made this region dispute in UNCIP resolution and did not give the basic rights of people, on the other hand Pakistani government and their puppets are busy looting the natural resources of indigenous people of Occupied Gilgit Baltisan. When educated youth and public of Gilgit Baltistan demand for their basic human rights, the Pakistani government abducts and arrests these local youth and political workers to silent them. There are many examples of threats, abduction and arrest of local human rights & political workers. Currently, more than 19 political & human rights activists, youth, students and journalists are behind the bars in different jails of Gilgit Baltistan, hundreds of human right activists, political workers, journalists and students facing the so called “Anti-terrorism National Action Plan” and other fake sedition charges and numerous political workers are hiding or fled the country to protect their lives.


Human rights commission of Pakistan released detail report on 3rd March 2017 regarding Human rights violation in Gilgit Baltistan (GB). In their report, HRCP highlighted that human rights volition in GB is on peak. Peaceful political activists who struggle for their rights, are arrested under the previously stated “Anti-terrorism Act” and sent to jail. In the meantime, governmental and military agencies brutally torture, physically and mentally, in JIT (Joint investigation team) while threatening youth and political workers to not highlight the issues.

HRCP reports says: “Security agencies have been given powers under the National Action Plan to keep people in check. Anyone who criticizes even a little is apprehended under the Anti-Terrorism Act,”

HRCP report also highlighted that Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly do not have powers to solve the problems of local people.”

Former HRCP chief Asma Jahangir, who released the findings of the report in Islamabad, asked the federal government to empower democratic forums of Gilgit Baltistan, appoint judges among the local inhabitants, and address the issues of internally displaced persons (IDPs). According to the report, hundreds of youngsters and political activists have allegedly been put behind bars under the Act. HRCP also called for keeping in check powers given to security agencies. (BBC 23rd March 2017). This report of HRCP is evidence about human rights violation in United Nations declared disputed region Gilgit Baltistan.


Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights ensures the freedom of speech of individuals. According to this article, everyone has  right to have his or her own political ideology and every person has the right to express his or her ideas. Every citizen of a given State has the right to highlight the issues through peaceful protest, writings, which means print or electronic media, but unluckily, in Pakistan occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB) print and electronic media are put under control of state and military agencies. Local press and media cannot highlight the issues. The right of individuals and the collective struggle for those rights has been under pressure. Many local indigenous newspapers, magazines and channels are banned for the “crime” of telling the truth and underlining the basic issues of the local population. Many writers and journalists are in jails and many facing fake sedition charges of “Anti-Terrorism” (Schedule 4) and “Anti-State” charges.

On 24th October 2017, the worldwide famous journalist’s organization Commitee to Protect Journalist (CPJ) issued a report about the threats made to journalists and the ban on media in Gilgit Baltistan. The detailed report of CPJ indicates the troubles of senior journalist Shabbir Siham who is facing “Anti-terrorism” charges and FIR from Gilgit Baltistan Government for highlighting Women trafficking issue among Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly members. CPJ Report indicates that: “Authorities in Pakistan should drop charges against journalist Shabbir Siham. (…) An anti-terrorism court in Pakistan’s northern Gilgit-Baltistan region summoned Siham for a hearing on October 7th on accusations of fabrication and extorting a regional minister in violation of Pakistan’s Anti-Terrorism Act, according to news reports and to Saeed Ahmed, the manager of the Islamabad-based Journalist Safety Hub, which provides support and training to at-risk journalists. He also faces charges of defamation under the Pakistan Penal Code, the reports said.” ( 24 oct 2017)

The very same organization also issued a detailed report about senior journalist & Editor in chief of Daily Bangesahar & Weekly Baan Daulat Jan Mathal and Sher Nadir Shahi who is Editor of Monthly Balawaristan Times & monthly Kargil International. Dee Jay Mathal had been imprisoned from one year in Gilgit Jail for his journalistic work and Sher Nadir Shahi has been staying hidden for one year to save his life. Government of GB launched FIR against both journalists under Anti-Terrorism Act, schedule 4 and other several fake sedition charges.  CPJ report writes that: “Pakistani authorities charged two journalists with publishing and distributing anti-state material on September 20th 2016, according to a member of a local nongovernmental organization who is familiar with the case but did not want to be named by fear of retaliation. Authorities in the northwest Gilgit-Baltistan region arrested Daulat Jan Mathal, the editor-in-chief of three local news outlets, on October 24th 2016, according to the same NGO worker. Sher Nadir Shahi, a writer and editor for several regional publications, including one of Mathal’s, told CPJ he went into hiding to avoid arrest.” ( September 12th 2017)

There are many other examples of problems faced by Journalists of  Gilgit Baltistan. Government and military agencies threaten journalists and press. Many journalists and writers are facing Schedule 4 and other ATA charges for their journalistic work. Occupied Government and establishment launched FIR  (criminal case) against Senior writer Shahid Hussain Chief editor monthly Balawaristan Times (Banned) & resident editor Daily Bangesahar GB (Banned) and Afaq Balawar resident editor monthly Balawaristan Times (Banned). Their names are also included in draconian Law Schedule-iv of ATA along with Asif Ali Ashraf bureau chief  monthly Balawaristan Times & Saqib Umer reporter of daily Bangesahar GB. Due to life threats Shahid Husain, Afaq Balawar and other activists have been hidding for one year.

Establishment and Government of  GB also banned non political & pure literature  book written by Abdul Hamid khan named as “Yasene Brooshaaski” , a leading newspaper of  GB daily Bangesahar, weekly Baang (english), monthly Balawaristan Times, monthly Kargil international & also seized thousands of literature  books, magazines, pamphlet which were sent from Rawalpindi to Gahkuch Gilgit Baltistan. They also arrested a student of ACCA and BNSO worker Sannaullah Khan who allegedly  sent books from Rawalpindi and arrested Inayat Karim who was receiving books and magazines. Both have been imprisoned in Gilgit jails for one year.

In Gilgit Baltista there is no electronic media but print media is also under total control of establishment and local government. Media cannot highlight the genuine issues particularly the real voice of indigenous nationalists and progressive movements who are demanding independence and their rights according to United Nation Resolutions. Local media propagate fake news and statements of Government officials and establishment and do not give space to indigenous local voices. Through local media government agencies do propaganda against local people particularly nationalists.


Gilgit Baltistan is not a legal and constitutional part of Pakistan. It is a disputed region declared by United Nation Organization. Pakistan ruled on GB illegally, and, in order to make their illegal ruling, the PPP government introduced Presidential Governance Order in 2009 and made GB as their 5th illegal and unconstitutional province to fool international community. Through this governance order PPP formed Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembly (GBLA) but members of this assembly have no power to transfer grade-1 i.e the lowest grade employee. They also established Gilgit Baltistan Council ( same as Senate) which is led by the Pakistani Prime minister. It means that all powers are assigned  to the Prime minister of Pakistan who is not elected by the 2 million inhabitants of Gilgit Baltistan while local  elected Council members have no power. We can imagine the value of this powerless council through a simple example: when the Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has been ousted by the Supreme court  of Pakistan then Shahid Khaqan Abbasi became Prime Minister and hence become automatically chairman of Gilgit Baltistan Council. When the members of GBC met the new Prime Minister, he asked what is Gilgit Baltistan Council. He has no idea about its very existence. He had never heard its name. That illustrates the  no value or importance  of the 2 million inhabitants of GB in the eyes of Pakistani occupied rulers.

As we know, Gilgit Baltistan is UN declared disputed region and political decision regarding its future yet to be done through referendum according to  UNCIP resolution. The indigenous educated people of Gilgit Baltistan started to struggle for their rights by founding their own local nationalist parties. They also asked for their democratic, basic, political and economic rights through their own forums. They also tried to create awareness for civil rights, but Pakistani establishment and their local puppets were and are still not agree to give space for local nationalists and political parties. They threat, abduct, arrest, and kill nationalists and progressives  to strengthen their occupation. Nationalists are not allowed to do peaceful protest, demonstration, rally, nor any other form of political activities. Establishment and their puppets create propaganda against local nationalists and progressive activists and spread rumors alleging them as agents of India and other agencies without any logic, reason or evidence. In Pakistan, National Action Plan and Schedule-4 has been established for extremist, terrorist and Taliban but unluckily this black draconian law has been used against Nationalists, journalists, writers, lawyers  and progressive activists of Gilgit Baltistan who struggling  peacefully  for their basic rights.


In 2010, a huge lake has been formed as a result of natural disaster (rock fall) in Attaabad, the remote village of District Hunza, Gilgit Baltstan. This natural disaster drowned hundreds of houses and thousands of local people’s agricultural lands of Attabad Hunza but the government did not help the affecties . Therefore, local affected people protested many times, demanding their  rehabilitation but the government did not cooperated and opened fire on innocent peaceful  protesters  of village Attabad at Aliabad who have been demonstrating peacefully for help . The  firing of police  hit father and son, who died on the spot . The government despite lodging criminal case against the police shooter, launched FIRs against protesters and arrested many of them, among which the progressive leader  Baba Jan of  Awami Workers Party, Iftikhar Karbalai of  Karakuram National Movement, Irfan Karim, Ijlal Hussain and dozens  others, still imprisoned under the “Anti-Terrorism Act”. Baba Jan has been imprisoned for five years and is facing 40 imprisonment. Iftikhar Karbalai has been imprisoned for seven years and is facing 19 years of imprsonment.
Qayum Khan is Leader of another nationalist party named as Balawaristan National Front (BNF)  and former candidate for Gilgit Baltistan Legislative Assembily (GBLA) who has been arrested on 26th august 2016 under the draconian law schedule-iv of ATA. He was p
Severely  tortured, hene injured and mentally tortured in JIT(Joint investigation team) more than 20 days. Allegation against him was that he attended traditional festival “Shandoor polo match ” in his motherland Shandoor Gilgit Baltistan without prior permission of the Establishment and local police. Second allegation against him was that he boycotted GBLA elections by demanding a due share in CPEC, and denounced illegal taxes on people of disputed region and other rights. He has been imprisoned in Gilgit Jail for more than one year.

Sannaullah Khan is an activist of the student organization BNSO, has been abducted on 4th October 2016 from Rawalpindi and after 20 days he has been sent to JIT by the Anti-Terrorism court in Gilgit.Allegations against  was that he sent non-political literature  and linguistic books and magazines to Gahkuch  (GB) from Rawalpindi. The receiver of the books Inayat Karim has been arrested on 30th September for his only act of receiving literature  books. Both are still imprisoned in Gilgit jail for more than one year.
Qowat Khan president BNF yassen Unit has been arrested once and released because of his innocence  with 12 other BNF activists but on 12th October 2016 he has been re arrested and sent him to JIT. On 25th October 2016 he has been sent to jail again. He is still behind the bars in Gilgit jail. An old worker of BNF retired Army Marook Shah (mid seventy of age) has been arrested on 8th October 2016, then sent to jail because earlier he was forced to leave Balawaristan National Front (BNF) by Pakistani agencies but he refused to do so. He is imprisoned in Gilgit Jail. BNF worker Majid ullah has been arrested on 2nd October 2016 for fake allegation of sabotage through  targeting the CPEC. Local police also staged drama of weapons to make propaganda against peaceful workers of BNF. He faced serious torture in JIT for 23 days and was sent to jail on 25th October 2016. He is still imprisoned in Gilgit jail. Safdar Ali, Central president of BNF has been arrested on 12th October 2016 when he was going to conduct   a press conference to refute the fake allegations against  BNF workers and for demand the release of arrested activists of BNF. He is still imprisoned in Gilgit Jail. On 10th August 2017, local police arrested social media activist and leader of Awami Action Tehreek Hasnain Ramal for creating awareness for basic rights on social media. He was arrested under Schedule-iv of ATA. He has been sent to JIT and badly tortured and was not allowed to  to hospital for medical treatment . He is still  imprisoned in Gilgit Jail.

LAWYERS BEHIND THE BARS or went to clandestine

Gilgit Baltistan Government its  Establishment and agencies are used to crash activists who belong to any professional fields. Hundreds of Students, journalists, political activists, writers, nationalists, progressive workers and human right activists are facing false Anti Terrorism and sedition charges and are suffering imprisonment. Among  other activists,  lawyers are in prison as well as went to clandestine due to  facing fake  sedition and Anti Terrorism charges.

A well-known lawyer of GB and former candidate of Balawaristan National front for GBLA, Mehbob Ali Adovcate has been arrested on 12th February 2017 in Gilgit while  He was going to Gilgit Press Club to organize press conference for  release of BNF activists and to refute false allegations of the establishment against  BNF organization and it’s  leaders. He is still  imprisoned in Gilgit jail .

Former Chairman Karakuram National Movement and senior lawyer of GB Mumtaz Nagri face fake sedition charges of ATA. His name is also included in the draconian law Schedule-iv  of ATA and the Government also banned his movement and his participation  in any political gatherings.

Senior nationlist, a Lawyer and writer of GB, Shokoor Khan advocate  is also facing FIR  (criminal case) and false sedition and terrorism charges of Pakistani Anti Terrorism Act due to his political activities and writings for awareness of the politically deprived Native people of Gilgit Baltistan  regarding their basic fundamental and  political rights .As such, he got threats from the Pakistani establishment and it’s secret agencies, compelled to went into hiding to save his life.  Under orders of Anti Terrorism Court in Gilgit, Local administration confiscated his whole  movable and  immovable  property and lands and delivered the same to village headmen . His children left their education,  spouse and little daughter severely  suffering without  means or source  for their livelihood,   hence, facing  hardships  to survive.


National Action Plan and schedule four of ATA have been made to control religious extremist organizations and terrorists like Taliban, but unluckily this draconian law has been implemented against peaceful political activists and nationalists of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan (PoGB) to silent their voices. All draconian laws are use against peaceful nationalist to suppress them through these laws, the Pakistani establishment control Gilgit Baltistan. For instance, GB political wokers raise their voices to stand for their rights in the very high economic stakes region of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). In that region, both the Government and establishment have been stealing lands and expropriating local people in the name of CPEC without payment of financial compensation. Many activists of BNF, BNSO, KNM and other local parties have been arrested under Schedule-iv of ATA charges and hundreds of activists cannot move without permission of local police and administration. They are not allowed to participate in political gatherings and cannot protest for their rights and bringing these injustices to the public  opinion and consciousness.

Hundreds of  political activists are currently facing Shedule-iv of ATA charges including Chairman Karakuram National Movement Muhammad Javid, Mumtaz Nagri adv, Leader BNF Shahid Hussain, Safdar ali, Qayoom Khan, Ali Ghulam, Hafaz Shah, Wali Muhamad, Student leader of  BNSO Sher Nadir Shahi, Asif Ali Ashraf, BNSO former leader Afaq Balawar, Aslam Inqalabi, GBTF leader Nadir Hassan Khan, Chief  editor Daily Bangesahar Daulat Jan Mathal, Journalist Saqib Umer, Leader Awami Action Tehreek Hasnain Ramal, Youth leader Tahir Ali Tahir, leader PPP Zafar Shadamkhail, Tauseef Hassan and many others.


As I mentioned it many times, Pakistan occupied Gilgit Baltistan is a disputed region according to UNCIP resolutions and the decision regarding its future should be made according to the wish of local indigenous people with Kashmir. The people of a disputed region have right to struggle for their fundamental rights and for their independence. They have the right to stand against illegal occupation. The inhabitants of Gilgit Baltistan have been treated as slaves for 70 years. The two million people of GB have no representation in upper and lower houses of Pakistan. People of Gilgit Baltistan have been  neglected  by 200 million common Pakistani citizens because they never raised their voices against the atrocities of Pakistani establishment. They are not allowed to cast votes to elect the President or Prime minister of Pakistan, hence, and cannot take part in elections. When the people of GB ask for rights, the establishment crashes them by arresting, abducting, torturing and charging them with false sedition and terrorism cases.

We appeal to the United Nations and Human rights organizations of civilized world that they should take notice of this critical situation in GB and should force Pakistani occupied regime to drop false charges against peaceful, innocent political workers, and release those who are imprisoned different jails in Gilgit Baltistan .

The Writer is Gilgit Baltistan based journalist/columnist and Editor of Monthly Balawaristan Times.

DisclaimerThe views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of The Balochistan Post or any of its editors.